THE CORE 2002 (of Time and Space).
430x430x430 cm, helium, latex balloons, wood, video cameras, projection,
4 video cameras are installed at the corners of the cube, pointed into four quarters of the world. They makes the alive immediate transmission including sound to the gallery space at the cube like object made of fabric (screens).
The Space and Time are unknowable, elusive. So, what is a sculpture? Let's assume that sculpture is a Time and Space, or our existing in Time and Space including micro-scale. Let's take for granted that our being here and now, in this real time and space is a sculpture. How something elusive as time and space can be a sculpture or rather material for sculpture somebody asks. It's important not to remain upon the surface but to tread inside time and space or to get into hidden particles to reach into far reaching undiscovered horizons of time and space.
Should not external form be also directed to microcosms? (Should it not encompass also the microcosms?) How many scales and accords we are possessing in Nature? To encompass them all.
Let the sculpture reaches and exposes the microcosm too.
A transmission from the floating objects in a form of a cube in negative which is made of latex balloons and wooden sticks. Four video cameras are installed at the corners of the cube, pointed into four quarters of the world. They make the alive immediate transmission including sound to the gallery space or to the ground assuming that projection would be made outdoor.
It is a visional journey deep inside a certain core of space and time; here is the purpose of the realization. The floating cube as a negative of the form is a visualization of the potentiality - of that, what is possible. It is countertype of the form of positive, the open quantum of the energy.
To repeat in another city, country or continent the same situation. So transmission from the floating cube, from suppose some city in Poland, would go to the gallery in another city or country, and transmission from the floating cube from some city in another country would go to gallery in Poland. We would have here two simultaneous situations and exchanging of projections via net between objects and galleries of two different locations.
Adam KALINOWSKI September 28.2002